Manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 Tunjukkan Goku dan Vegeta Berlatih Pada Whis! (SPOILERS!)

SPOILER ALERT! Selain itu, ditunjukan juga alasan kenapa tidak ada Goten, Trunks, Majin Buu, Chaozu dan Yamcha!

Bocoran Manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 ini menampilkan Goku dan Vegeta berlatih pada Whis –guru dari Beerus, dan juga awal kedatangan Frieza di bumi.

Seperti yang kita ketahui sebelumnya manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F adalah adaptasi dari movie yang berjudul sama. Manga yang rencananya akan dirilis dalam tiga chapter/bab ini konon dirilis dalam majalah V-Jump. Tapi, belum sampai rilis, beberapa sumber telah menampilkan bocoran manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F! Jika sebelumnya chapter pertama yang bocor, kali ini kita mendapatkan bocoran manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2.

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Pada manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 ini, cerita berpusat pada Goku dan Vegeta yang tengah dilatih oleh Whis. Jika kamu sudah menonton Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods, kamu pasti ingat dengan tokoh yang satu ini. Whis adalah guru dari Beerus, dewa kehancuran, dan memiliki kekuatan yang jauh lebih kuat daripada muridnya itu. Sang Akira Toriyama bahkan membuat perbandingan untuk Goku – Beerus – Whis yaitu 6:10:14. Yah, dan manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F sepertinya memang mengkonfirmasikan hal tersebut.

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Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 1

Goku and Vegeta seem to be training with Whis in Beerus’ Temple

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 2

Goku & Vegeta: HAAA!!!

Goku & Vegeta: I’m hurting so bad…..

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 3

Vegeta: Kakkorot, Where the hell were you aiming your punches!?

Goku: I wasn’t trying to hit you, Vegeta!!

Whis: Oh my…

Vegeta: Kakkorot, Stay back!

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 4Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 5Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 6Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 7Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 8Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 9 Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 10

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 11Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 12Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 13

Whis: Ok, please stop.

Whis: There is no way you are prepared, you are far too slow.

Whis: I managed to even write my signature on you, see.

Goku: Wait… when did he…

Lanjut ke halaman 2: Whis memberi Goku dan Vegeta sedikit nasehat

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 14

Whis: The two of you are planning your actions within your heads. Especially you, Vegeta.

Whis: You see, it takes time for your thoughts and senses to reach your body in order to perform your attacks.

Goku: You’re right, that’s very Vegeta-like!

Vegeta: Shut up! You are the one who is a total blockhead!!

Whis: Though it may be difficult, allowing every part of your body to perform its own attack without thinking would be the better choice, in my humble opinion.

Whis: You see, even Lord Beerus has not reached perfection yet.

Whis: By overcoming this, you will be able to evade even the most dangerous of circumstances.

Whis: Even if this takes a while, I will make sure you are ready.

Whis: Of course I will want some delicious food in exchange for the training!

Vegeta: You’re saying you can make us much stronger?

Whis: Of course.

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 15

Goku: But Mr. Whis, you are standing in poop.

Whis: AHHH!!!

Whis: Hohoho…

Whis: It seems my shoes would not allow me to move.

Whis: Oh while we are on the matter, Mr. Vegeta.

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 16

Vegeta: Wh….what!?

Whis: Regardless that you are a battle genius, you seem to want to be one step ahead of Mr. Goku.

Vegeta: Ho.. how dare you say that so bluntly…

Whis: Do you know why?

Vegeta: Like I would know that!

Whis: It’s simple, you tend to over strain your mental state too much.

Whis: At crucial points you are not at your full power. Therefore it is best that when youneed to relax you should kick up your feet and take some time off to rest your body. Exactly like Mr. Goku does.

Goku: Haha, exactly Vegeta!!

Whis: On the other hand….

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 17

Goku: Owwwchhh, wha… what the hell!?

Whis: Although too much relaxation is also a problem. Overconfidence can also lead to problems. Even if you are very strong, taking the power out of you will leave your body brittle and weak. By being too presumptuous leaves you being too careless.

Vegeta: Ha.. exactly.

Goku: Ouuuchhh…tha..thats nonsense!

Beerus: What now?

Beerus: Would you guys keep it down…

Lanjut ke halaman 3: Kedatangan Frieza ke Bumi

Sementara Goku dan Vegeta sibuk berlatih, Frieza datang ke bumi dan mulai berulah. Saat itulah datang Gohan dan yang lainnya. Dalam manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 ini dijelaskan juga kenapa Goten dan Trunks tidak muncul, yaitu karena mereka dilarang oleh Bulma.

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 18

Piccolo: I was right when I thought I had a bad feeling….

Gohan: Dende, send everyone a message!!

Dende: Wi..will do!

Gohan: They’re at the Northern Capital!

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 19

Frieza: Open a path for me would you.

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 20

Frieza: Hohoho

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 21

Frieza: That was just a mere greeting.

Gohan: What..what’s going on at the Eastern Capital!?

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 22

Gohan: Mr. Tien!!

Tien: I left without Chaozu and Yamcha, this is far too dangerous.

Gohan: Mrs. Bulma told me not to mention anything to Trunks or Goten. I agree, I don’t want them involved.

Master Roshi: Yaho!!

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 23

Master Roshi: Sorry I’m late!

Master Roshi: I went to Lord Karins Tower to pick up some Senzu beans.

Krillin: Where are Goku and Vegeta?

Tien: It seems they need more time.

Krillin: Well as long as Buu is…

Krillin: Wait.. wheres Buu!?

Gohan: He’s not coming…

Gohan: It seems that once he has fallen asleep, it is near impossible to wake him up…

Master Roshi: What!? So without him, there are only 5 of us…

Master Roshi: Anyhow Gohan, are you still furthering your training?

Gohan: S…sorry I haven’t.. But I can still go Super Saiyan! I think..

Frieza: Ahh everyone, glad you could make it.

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 24

Piccolo: Frieza… so it was you who was reborn due to the Dragonballs…

Frieza: Is Goku not ready yet?

Piccolo: He’s not here. He’s training on another world.

Frieza: So he’s not on Earth?

Frieza: Where may I find him?

Sorbet: Lord Frieza, look…

Sorbet: Isn’t that a Spaceship?…

Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 - 25

Gohan: Huh?

Frieza: Oh I see now, you are making an appearance shown via spaceship…

Frieza: I’ve be waiting for you….Goku….

Selain itu, Frieza juga tampak lebih percaya diri sekarang (atau memang dari dulu dia seperti itu?) Kelihatannya dia sudah menjadi jauh lebih kuat dalam empat bulan latihan atau apapun yang dia lakukan selama itu. Masih menjadi misteri tentang latihan apa yang Frieza lakukan, tapi saya punya sedikit spekulasi mengenai hal tersebut dalam artikel saya sebelumnya.

[read_more link="" title="Ini Yang Akan Dilakukan Supaya Frieza Lebih Kuat Daripada Goku!"]

Selain Goten dan Trunks, manga Dragon Ball Z Fukkatsu no F Chapter 2 juga menceritakan bahwa Majin Buu tidak muncul, begitu pula Yamcha dan Chaozu (well, dua yang terakhir ada pun tidak akan terlalu membantu). Oh, dan FYI, manga ini terdiri dari kurang lebih 31 halaman, jadi hanya sebagian saja yang ditampilkan disini.

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Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F direncanakan rilis 18 April 2015 nanti di Jepang.

Sumber: Shonengamez

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