... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

I used to take an arrow in the knee, but then I took an arrow in the knee while I was taking an arrow in the knee.

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

"I used to be ________, then I took an arrow in the knee."

Belakangan, joke semacam ini muncul di banyak tempat. Banyak sekali. Kalimat ini sudah menjadi meme baru. Cek beberapa contoh yang saya ambil dari 9gag berikut:

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

... then, I took an arrow to the Knee?!

Apa sebetulnya "arrow to the knee"  ini?

Dari mana asalnya?

Meme "I used to be ________, then I took an arrow in the knee." berasal dari Skyrim, game yang paling happening saat ini. Lucu, karena saya jarang sekali melihat meme terlahir dari sebuah game.

Inilah asal-muasalnya:

Yap, "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee." adalah statement dari Guard di Skyrim. Hal ini dirasa unik, karena semua Guard bisa mengucapkan hal ini.

Kemudian muncul berbagai video dan joke seputar I took an arrow in the knee. Berikut adalah video yang cukup keren. Mengkisahkan tentang masa lalu sang Guard yang terkena panah.

Nah, berikutnya... lebih keren lagi. Masih sama, flashback. Tapi yang ini lebih... ummm, realistis!

Terakhir, dan yang menurut saya paling keren, adalah video animasi ini. Awas, ketawa!

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