Joss Whedon, "The Avengers Sequel to Be Smaller, More Personal, More Painful"

Tinggal sekitar dua bulan lagi film superhero terbesar, The Avengers akan rilis di layar lebar. Sutradara Joss Whedon pun sudah memiliki beberapa ide tentang apa yang ia ingin buat untuk sekuelnya nanti.

Joss Whedon, The Avengers Sequel to Be Smaller, More Personal, More Painful

Tinggal sekitar dua bulan lagi film superhero terbesar akan rilis di layar lebar. Dalam sebuah interview Joss Whedon pun bicara mengenai The Avengers dan kemungkinan sekuelnya.

"I want to know what makes them tick, what makes them flawed, what makes them fight - and ultimately, what makes them awesome," Ucap Whedon mengenai tim superheronya. "I go to these movies for those moments when the heroes define themselves, either through action or deliciously overwritten speeches."

Meski belum ada konfirmasi secara resmi, namun besar kemungkinan kita akan melihat sekuel dari The Avengers beberapa tahun ke depan, dan sutradara Joss Whedon pun sudah memiliki beberapa ide tentang apa yang ia ingin buat nantinya.

"By not trying to. By being smaller. More personal, more painful... By being the next thing that should happen to these characters, and not just a rehash of what seemed to work the first time. By having a theme that is completely fresh and organic to itself." 

Dibintangi oleh Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Robert Downey Jr., Cobie Smulders, Tom Hiddleston dan Samuel L. Jackson. Marvel's The Avengers siap rilis di layar lebar pada 4 Mei 2012 mendatang.

Joss Whedon, The Avengers Sequel to Be Smaller, More Personal, More Painful

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